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Страны >> Япония >> Кэнсин
(Message started by: EXD на 14.01.03 в 11:46:27)

Заголовок: Кэнсин
Прислано участником EXD на 14.01.03 в 11:46:27
Меня интересует личность Кеншина (уверен, многие о нем слышали). Насколько реален персонаж из anime Ruouni Kenshin (вроде правильно) ? Также интересуют исторические события в Японии, на фоне которых происходит действие в anime. Заранее благодарен.

Заголовок: Re: Кеншин
Прислано участником Цзошучжан на 14.01.03 в 13:19:14

on 01/14/03 в 11:46:27, EXD wrote:
Меня интересует личность Кеншина (уверен, многие о нем слышали). Насколько реален персонаж из anime Ruouni Kenshin (вроде правильно) ? Также интересуют исторические события в Японии, на фоне которых происходит действие в anime. Заранее благодарен.

У бродяги Кэнсина мало сходств со своим базовым прототипом - хитокири Каваками Гэнсаем, жившим во времена Бакумацу [последние годы бакуфу, сёгуната; 1854-1867] и реставрации Мэйдзи. В основном всё выдумано Нобухиро Вацуки.

Вот что сам автор персонажа говорит про него:

"The original model was supposed to be the Hitokiri Kawakami Gensai, but now they’re completely different . . . (oh well.) Kawakami Gensai, one of the four great Hitokiris of the Bakumatsu, could be mistaken for a girl at first glance, but his nature was the complete opposite of his appearance: he was a cold, calculating man said to be the most terrible of the four. He was famous for cutting down Kuma Shouzan in broad daylight with his unique, lightning-fast Furanui style of kenjutsu. Whether he was responsible for other assassinations is still a mystery. After the new era was brought in, his ideas about isolationism conflicted with that of the government’s, and he was tried on false charges and executed in the fourth year of the Meiji era (1871). But after looking into it, I think the Hitokiri's inflexibility was not meaningless, but his honor for the comrades he fought and killed with and the enemies he killed. This thought led to the Kenshin character. From others in the Shinsengumi, I also took the selflessness of Okita Soushi of the Shinsengumi, and the mystery of Saitou Hajime. Other than this, I didn’t have any particular design for the character. The hero of my debut story was a tall handsome man with black hair and armor, so I tried to draw the exact opposite and ended up with a girl (laughs). In desperation, I added a cross-shaped scar on his left cheek. However, that scar actually became a key point in the transformation of Battousai to Kenshin (or so it seems)."

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